Championing the “Space Sharing Scheme for Youth” rolled out by the HKSAR Government, HKR International Limited (“HKRI”) leased out 20,000 square feet office space at CDW Building to Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (“Cyberport”) at one-third of the market rent to set up its first off-site Smart-Space office, Smart-Space 8, to promote technology development and encourage youth entrepreneurship. Smart-Space 8 is officially open today and will provide comprehensive training programmes and support services to aid the continuity of innovations and business expansion.
For details of CDW Building, please click here.
For details of Smart-Space 8, please click here.
About HKR International Limited
HKR International Limited (HKRI) has diversified interests in real estate development and investment, property management, luxury hotels and serviced apartments, healthcare services and other investments in Hong Kong, mainland China and across Asia.
HKRI has been listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong since 1989, under the Stock Code of 00480, and it is also a constituent of the Hang Seng Global Composite Index, Hang Seng Composite Index and Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index. Website: