338 results
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Press Release 30/11/2021 HKR International Limited Successfully Bid for a Residential Site in Shanghai
Press Release 17/11/2021 HKR International Limited Announces Interim Results 2021/2022
Press Release 08/10/2021 Discovery Bay Ice Rink Presents Spooky Halloween Skating Fun
Press Release 07/10/2021 Lantau Yacht Club Awarded the 5 Gold Anchors Accreditation
Press Release 02/08/2021 Lantau Yacht Club First Launches a Yachtcation Package
Press Release 27/07/2021 One Unit of Poggibonsi Sold at HK$45,580,000 (Chinese version only)
Press Release 23/06/2021 HKR International Limited Announces Annual Results 2020/2021
Press Release 01/06/2021 Lantau Yacht Club Fully Operational With a Vision to Become the New Superyacht Hub in Hong Kong
Press Release 14/05/2021 HKR International Limited is Selected as A Constituent Stock of MSCI Hong Kong Micro Cap Index
Press Release 05/05/2021 Hong Kong’s Latest Ice Rink is Now Open in Discovery Bay
Press Release 31/03/2021 HKR International Promotes Earth Hour with new “From 60 to 100+” initiative
Press Release 09/03/2021 HKR International publishes On the RISE – From Dazhongli to HKRI Taikoo Hui and curates The Creation of the HKRI Taikoo Hui exhibition to document the project’s history
Press Release 02/12/2020 A European Christmas in Town @ Discovery Bay
Press Release 01/12/2020 IL PICCO Unveiled Furnished Units (Chinese version only)
Press Release 18/11/2020 HKR International Limited Announces Interim Results 2020/2021